Erik Seeger

This interview was held 3 Dec 2017 at Vanha Ylioppilastalo (Helsinki) where we had the Elevent Star Freedom to Dance + ProAm competition

Q: How long have you been dancing ProAm?
A: I’ve been dancing ProAm since 2012, so five years already

Q: What fascinates you in ProAm?
A: Like me, most of those who want to dance ProAm are very interested in dance, but have had difficulties finding a partner to compete with.   For those this is an opportunity to move on and get a chance to dance at your best.

Q: So you’re also going to do a Showcase number today.  Did you create the choreography by yourself or with your teacher?
A: The idea of the choreography was mine, and we got help from others putting the idea into practise.  The name of our number is I’m not in love.  It is a story about a man who wants to meet a woman – but she’s quite tough and doesn’t allow him to do what he wants. But maybe will give the man a chance…the choreography is of course by my teacher Valentina Lundin and we’ve put it together with all the dances (5 different songs, 7 different dance styles) linked to the story.

Q: What are your feelings about today’s competition?
A: I’m very impressed. This was a nice competition and a fantastic venue. The event was very well organized – bit thanks to Sofia and all other organizers!  I’m sure everybody feels the same. I give it 5+/5!
