Please note that these may change.


Age Categories

A: under 40 years
B: 40 years and over
C: 50 years and over

American Smooth AB, under 50 and C 50 years and over

You may enter in the younger category (C -> B -> A or C-> AB) if you wish.


ProAm Competition Categories

Newcomer: Cha Cha, Jive, Waltz, Tango

Single Dance: Open Bronze, Open Silver, Open Gold


Multi Dance: No age categories.

Multi Dance: Bronze, Silver, Gold 

- 2 dance challenge (W/T ja/tai CC/R)
- 3 dance challenge (W/T/Q ja/tai CC/S/R)
- 4 dance challenge (W/T/F/Q ja/tai CC/S/R/J)

American Smooth: Waltz and Tango. Age categories AB, under 50 and C over 50.

Solo Latin Lady: Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba. No age categories.

Jack & Jill: Partner changing competition

Dances:  W/T/VW/F ja/tai CC/S/R/J

You enter this category with your own partner. Before every dance the Professionals are being drawn for each amateur. You do not dance with your own partner. You can dance one dance or all of them. No age- or dance level categories. 



NOTE 1: you may enter more than one category, higher than your level (for instance Bronze/Silver or Newcomer/Bronze). For entering Scholarship, you need to dance 5 Single Dances.

NOTE 2: if you have earlier attended ProAm competition and won your category twice (or single dances in Single Dance category), you must attend in the next competition a higher category: Newcomer->Bronze, Bronze->Silver, Silver->Gold.